
Acts 10:38 NLT
God's Plan For Healing And Health Part 4

Today is part four of God's Plan For Healing and Health!  The big idea: It's God's will for you to be healed and healthy in your body! Today we are looking at two reasons to believe God wants you well. 5. There was no sickness in God's oringinal creation.  6. The Bible calls Satan the author of sickness and disease.
There is a misunderstanding of the Sovereignty of God.  There are two worldviews of this. First is the blueprint worldview. which is "Everything that happens to me in life is God's will, and he has a plan and purpose for it." This view is not biblical. The second worldview is The Warfare worldview! Which is  "I am in a spiritual war, and I'm struggling against evil forces that are opposed to God's will and plan for me." This worldview is biblical and runs throguhout the entire bible!