
John 13:34-35 NIV
Love Like Jesus

We are in a series on Key to healthy relationships. Today is part four, Love like Jesus, continuing where we left off last week. There are four ways Jesus modeled love: 1. Love serves. Jesus served his disciples by washing their feet. After he finished washing their feet. He said this is how love serves as I have done, you do as well.  2. Love gives.  God gave us the best that heaven had to offer, and that was his Son Jesus. John 3:16 NIV. We learn to give by our time, our resources, and our attention. This last part is sometimes the most difficult, to listen.  We need to learn to listen to people's stories, and listen to their heart!

3. Love sacrifices. means that sometimes we put aside our things and spend time listening, helping and giving up what we want, to be there for someone else. 4. Love Stays. Love is loyal! Jesus is loyal and he is faithful. We should work to being the same. As God's spirit, His love works in us, so as believers we have a choice to choose to love and be faithful!